Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ogden Temple Open House

 Yesterday for our day off (labor day) we headed up to Ogden for the Ogden Temple Open House.  I thought that Myer would be bored and not so enthused about it, but he couldn't wait to get inside.  He was jumping up and down and dancing with his cousins while we waited our turn in line. Just so excited to see the temple. To be honest, I think he was thinking he was getting married to cousin, Navy, while we were there....
^^^ See? Just a little cousin love. ^^^
The temple was beautiful.  I love the feeling when I walk inside.  And what made it even better was that I could share that feeling, not only with Jake, but with my young children.  Myer always asks when we can go inside the temple and I finally got to take him inside!  He, of course, just giggled the whole time (because of his large white booties on his feet) but also I know that is because he was feeling happy.  And Lennon just hung out in the Bjorn quietly sucking her thumb.  It was a peaceful morning full of good, happy, and calm feelings.

I know that once this temple is dedicated, the sacred unit of families are bonded there forever.  I know that because Jake and I were sealed and married in the temple, our family will be together forever.  As a mom, that is a great comfort to me because I can't control life, but I know if I stay true to the promises I've made in the temple, I will be with my family forever.  So each time I see a that beautiful white structure, I'm comforted and can breath a little bit easier.  And we were lucky to have another one of the structures in our home state.