Monday, November 15, 2010

quite frankly

quite frankly i don't listen to christmas music until after thanksgiving.  i feel like thanksgiving deserves it's own holiday.
quite frankly i'm glad jake's at the jazz game so i don't have to sacrifice my "Lie to Me" time.
quite frankly i'm not ashamed of my addiction to tums.  this acid reflux is brutal.
quite frankly the snow fall yesterday was a lot more pleasant than this morning's sleet and slush.
quite frankly i think jake's a little jealous of my body pillow...

quite frankly i'm a feeling a little intimidated of becoming a mommy.  Heavenly Father is going to trust me with this little being?  i eat junk food, sleep through three alarms, don't stop fully at the 4-way stop, and instantly change into sweats the minute i get home from work.  and God is going to trust me?

quite frankly, i'm grateful and in awe.  every day.