Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Where we've been all summer

At Seven Peaks of course!  Our summer has consisted of the wave pool, beach towels, and sunscreen.  We leave the house at 9 to get a close (free) parking spot at 9:30, play for a few hours, and then when the park gets too crowded, we pack up and leave by noon all in time to eat lunch in the car and then home for a nap.  Both of our naps. 

Did you know that my mom did this with my sisters and me when we were little?  We got Cherry Hill passes every summer.  And almost everyday we played at the water park at Cherry Hill.  Those are some of my favorite childhood memories.  So I'd to think I'm doing the same with Myer.  And I'm trying to get in as much Mom and Myer time before baby gets here.  It's been so fun.  I'm sure there's lots to be done around our new little place, but the heck with it.  We are playing this summer!  Just me and my boy.  Some good memories are being made.  Thanks Mom for the inspiration.